Terms and Conditions

Bookings cannot be accepted from persons under 18 years of age. No bookings are valid until confirmed by us in writing (including by email).

We may ask for a deposit when booking, if this the case it is non-refundable unless 1 months’ notice is given of requirement to change dates or cancellation.

All parties will need an access token to operate the front gates. This is issued on receipt of a £20 cash deposit. When the undamaged token is returned the deposit is refunded.

All male and all female groups with 4 or more members are not permitted.

We do our best to keep the site open during periods of inclement weather, but reserve the right to close at short notice in the event of extreme weather in the interests of everyone’s safety.

You are responsible for any insurance needed to cover material damage and liability for your activities. We have public liability insurance.

We ask you to keep dogs on a lead at all times when sheep are on site and in our neighbour’s paddocks. We may decline bookings from customers with dogs during the lambing season.

Any Youth group using the facilities is required to always have a DBS checked leader on site without exception. That individual is responsible for the supervision of any non-DBS checked individuals.

We ask that you:

  1. Respect the flora and fauna, no cutting of branches etc.
  2. Keep out of the areas marked “Private”.
  3. Use only the waste facilities provided, ask the Owner if in doubt.
  4. Lights out and reduce noise by 11pm.
  5. Fires and BBQs only where the Owner has explicitly stated that they can take place.
  6. Extinguish all fires before leaving.
  7. Absolutely no fireworks or Chinese Lanterns.
  8. Use the toilet and shower with consideration for others. If you make a mess cleaning materials are available to clean it up!
  9. No food waste, nappies or sanitary items down the toilets as it causes major
    problems with the drains.
  10. Do not wash eating or cooking utensils in the toilet sinks.

The Legal Stuff

“We” refers to the owners of Longlands Farm

“You” and “Guest(s)” refers to the individual(s) making the booking and their accompanying party

“Property” refers to the facility that you are booking at Longlands Farm

You will ensure that you and all Guests will:

  • act responsibly and carefully whilst at the Property, abiding by any property specific house rules and leave the Property, and all things in or at it, in the same state of repair and cleanliness as at the start of the holiday;
  • report to the Owner any damage or breakages made during the holiday occupancy and pay for damage (wear and tear accepted);
  • not smoke in communal areas e.g. the washroom;
  • not to exceed the maximum occupancy stated at time of booking or on this website;
  • at all times comply with any applicable laws and local or Government guidance, and ensure that no guests do anything which is illegal, or may cause unreasonable damage, noise, behaviour or disturbance;
  • treat people with respect and not act in a way which is abusive, violent, destructive, menacing, or harassing towards the Owner, any member of their team, any member of the community in which the Property is situated, or any of our employees, or other party acting on our behalf.

We will be entitled to make a reasonable charge where Guests have failed to comply with these responsibilities. In serious cases, Guests may have to leave the Property early without any compensation or refund.

If we cannot make the Property available to you for your booking we will arrange a refund of all amounts you have already paid towards the accommodation cost. We will not be responsible to pay any compensation or expenses as a consequence of such an event.

The contract to occupy the Property is made on the basis that the Property is to be occupied by the Guests for a holiday (as mentioned in the Housing Act 1988 Schedule 1 paragraph 9 or similar legislation in other jurisdictions).

When making a booking, you acknowledge on behalf of all Guests that the tenancy granted by these terms and conditions is not an assured tenancy and that no statutory periodic tenancy will arise when it ends.

Any dispute, claim or other matter which may arise in relation to your booking will be governed by English law and you agree that any dispute will be dealt with exclusively by the courts of England and Wales.